Includes a standard customized and branded “intranet” platform with your specific departments, human resources material, google calendars, community, marketing, operations, customized QR code, Perfect Day Playbook, and Successful Meetings Playbook along with 3 standard digital forms.
Custom - Built Intranet Site: One-Time Fee of $4,995 *
* After your intranet site is built, select one of the three monthly subscription packages below:
Workplace Solutions
Includes all workplace solutions:
Employee Directory
Vendor Lookup
Employee Shout-Outs
Hort Knowledge
Ask Roo (AI Bot)
Monthly Investment:
$79.00 Per Month
Includes 2 Hours of Monthly Support
(+) Plus Applications
Samples of upgraded applications:
Garden on the Go Tracker
Grower Tracker
Goal/Task Tracker
Maintenance Tracker
Landscape Tracker
Project Tracker
One-Time Set Up Fee:
$99.00 Per Application
Additional cost for changes/configurations